Cataloging Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday, April 7, 2014 @ 11am (PDT)
(via telephone conference call)
Attending: Lindy Cloyd (Baker Co. LD), Katrina Gaines (EOU), Valerie Gardner (Ontario Comm.), Darlyne Johnson (Ontario Comm.), Beth Longwell – System Administrator (Sage), Dea Nowell – Recorder (Umatilla Co. SLD), Laurie O’Connor (Harney Co.), Sarah Samuels – Chair (Hood River Co. LD), Jenny Simpson (Nyssa), Perry Stokes (Baker Co. LD), Christina Trunnell – Co-chair (TVCC), Godelieve Uyttenhove (Lake Co.), Katie Wallis (CGCC), Carmen Wickham (Baker Co. LD), Ann Zuehlke (Hood River Valley HS).
[There were technical difficulties with the teleconference line about the time the meeting was to start. The meeting was called to order about 11:15 am by Sarah Samuels.]
Discussion/Approval February 2014 Cataloging Comm. minutes: Perry Stokes asked about an item listed on page 3 [copy level holds now available for patrons]. Laurie O’Connor noted that Brent was supposed to research & send out some information about cataloging using parts and she hadn’t seen anything. Perry Stokes moved to accept the minutes with the item on page 3 about the copy level holds removed. Christina Trunnell seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as amended.
1. Sage Cataloging Specialist
a. Hiring committee and job description update }
b. Timeline for project and who reports to }
Sarah Samuels noted that the position will be advertised in May & that the subcommittee could use more assistance from the Cataloging Committee. Some suggestions followed: email lists – Libs-OR, Washington list, Idaho list; library school boards (it was strongly suggested that though not eliminating we’d like some experience, as well as some open-source experience); PLNA; someone “local” (open to both arrangements: telecommuting “potential” and local). Laurie O’Connor noted she has been waiting for some feedback from the subcommittee & would like to see some weighting in the job description/job strength. She asked how do we give feedback. Sarah Samuels responded as we begin to narrow down we can get feedback (establishing & keeping some of them going forward…) Perry Stokes noted this is a “big job for not a top dollar.” Laurie asked if the subcommittee could put out a fairly informal survey asking the cataloging community what they want? Godelieve Uyttenhove noted that looking at the list (that Christina Trunnell emailed out prior to the meeting [noted below]) that we probably need someone not right out of library school and someone with some experience with a system similar to ours would be helpful. Sarah stated she would send out another email. Christina Trunnell recommended that the hiring subcommittee work on writing a job ad & that maybe the Cataloging Committee vote by email on it. She further noted that a job description would take longer to write. Sarah noted that 1-2 additional people on the subcommittee would be helpful and asked for volunteers. Laurie stated that she would egg on and send what info. she has that may help ; Christina volunteered to help as well.
[Action item: Sarah Samuels will send out another email.]
[Action item: Laurie O’Connor will send the subcommittee what info. she has that may help.]
2. Training
b. Regional trainings for 2014 }
c. Continued development of Sage Cataloging program }
[Recorder’s note: Christina Trunnell sent a document (pdf) out on the Sage-Cat list which lists the Sage libraries catalogers and their training levels under the regions with the region’s mentors listed (4/7/14 – 9:57am). This document will be posted alongside the minutes on the SageLibraries Wiki.] Christina Trunnell began this discussion stating that we need to figure out how we are doing on catalogers in the system, what kind of training we need, etc. This will help us to move forward. She also noted that a while back there was some discussion about developing our own training. Laurie O’Connor asked, is there money in the budget still available through June? She noted that she hasn’t gotten a good answer about this. Christina noted that she has not found some already-available-training that is available for what we can afford — professional development type, etc. — nothing beginning-to-end type training. Beth Longwell noted that she can calculate what amount of money is left following regional trainings we previously had. Laurie stated that she doesn’t want to discourage us from developing training from within, though it will require a lot of hours. (RDA training would take a long time to develop.) Godelieve Uyttenhove asked if we were in a position to do that. Laurie stated that she anticipated it would take 6-8 months for the grant person to get caught up before we could start some sort of training. The last round of video/regional trainings were 2 years ago (FY2011-2012). Godelieve asked if can identify who needs the most help and target them with regional trainings? Sarah Samuels noted, targeting those who don’t seem to be up to standards. Godelieve & Laurie noted that Klamath Falls CC states they have no time and no MARC understanding and that they are not worrying about it. Laurie stated that restricting cataloging permissions is about the only thing we can do if we ever want to become a professional group. Katie Wallis asked about the levels of cataloging permissions that have been discussed in the past. Beth Longwell stated that the circ logins when originally set up have some basic cat permissions and that we need to completely revise our permission base before we can utilize this. She noted that it is a bigger project than she anticipated and had hoped to get to it sooner. She stated that she has recently had some health issues, including a heart attack, that have set her time frame back on working on this. Beth further stated that once we are closer to having permissions in place that we can give notice and time to meet the expectations. We’ve had some libraries that have not followed through and taken the MARC training. (She noted that Vale has a retirement coming up in June and that we may have some opportunity there.) Laurie noted that there are reasonable 2 routes for libraries: (1) have a lot of items to add to Sage – train someone, (2) have a few items to add to Sage – have a list of people who can be contacted that can get the item(s) into Sage within a week… Christina asked if we can use the remaining money for those libraries that need assistance, as there is none allocated in next year’s budget due to the grant? Laurie asked again how much was left. Christina noted that she will post what is available and then we can budget to use it before the end of June.
[Action item: Christina Trunnell will post what monies are available for training, so the Cataloging Committee can budget to use it before the end of June.]
d. Identify new regional mentor(s)
Christina Trunnell noted that when pulling the list together (referenced in note above) she noted that a lot of weight has been put upon Dea Nowell & Katrina Gaines as mentors. She noted that the mentors are there for answering questions and for checking in with their people to see how they are doing. Laurie O’Connor stated that she hopes that the grant position can help with building up more use of the mentors. Dea Nowell noted that she works with 12 libraries [in Umatilla County] directly with her job & that she originally agreed to work with Umatilla & Morrow County libraries. She absorbed the GorgeLink area when Jayne Guidinger stepped down. She answers questions and follows through on things, though hasn’t really checked in with folks outside of that. With losing Katrina we may need to relook at how things are divided up. She noted that she has been helping with some Wallowa County libraries following the regional trainings in that area in 2012. Sarah Samuel asked if four mentors was enough. Katrina Gaines noted that she has not had much brought to her, nor has she done much in connecting with others either. She noted that maybe someone from Baker might do this as it looks like there are two people with some Master’s training. She noted that it depends upon what kind of questions, etc., come up. It was suggested that maybe we need to look at reallocating areas. It was also suggested that maybe we need to identify someone to replace Katrina and then look at a fifth mentor. Laurie noted that she is not really being utilized currently, maybe with use of permission restrictions it would be increasingly utilized. Christina noted that she will send out an email asking if anyone is interested. Ann Zuehlke noted that she might be interested in being a mentor before she had to sign out of the meeting.
[Action item: Christina Trunnell will send out an email asking if anyone is interested in being a mentor.]
a. RDA transition
Beth Longwell noted that the RDA subcommittee has not met. She further noted there was a list of identified training posted on the Wiki, though has not had an opportunity to view all that are on the list. Sarah Samuels noted that the list is overwhelming. She noted that we need to fine tune it and narrow down to a recommendation of required one(s). Christina Trunnell stated that there is a general misunderstanding out there, from questions, that it is replacing MARC rather than AACR2. She made a suggestion that we approach this as a review of what it is and some basics. Christina further noted that maybe the subcommittee could review and make recommendations, putting together some short videos of basics, etc. Laurie O’Connor asked, recommendation or requirement? She is suggesting one, over a list of several. After some discussion, Christina made a motion that she would prepare a presentation on RDA introduction and get it out before the end of the month and the subcommittee to find one recommendation on RDA training (not sure of timeline, though ideally by end of the month). Darlyne Johnson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
[Action item: Christina Trunnell will prepare a presentation on RDA introduction & get it out before the end of the month.]
[Action item: RDA subcommittee to find one recommendation on RDA training, ideally by the end of the month.]
3. Sage cataloging issues/updates
a. RDA subcommittee report
No report given (see above).
b. Contacts on wiki update
It was noted that this seems to be a pretty good working list.
c. Cataloging with parts
Beth Longwell noted that she just posted some resources on the Wiki — moving till next meeting.
d. Cataloging manual updates
1) Updating RDA CIP records report
Moving till next meeting. Sarah Samuels said thanks to Dea Nowell for the Updating RDA CIP records instructions.
e. Authority work
f. Other issues?
4. Cataloging award?
Perry Stocks suggested an award for making remarkable progress themselves, for someone who has done a great job in making record(s), or for someone who has contributed a lot. Sarah Samuels stated this was a good idea & asked about evaluations. Laurie O’Connor stated she would like to see this moved back until we have our Cataloging specialist. Dea Nowell agreed this is a great idea and is in agreement with Laurie. Sarah Samuels and Christina Trunnell suggested that we wait 2-3 months on this idea and then revisit it.
5. Other
Beth Longwell noted that she will be adding some additional Z39.50 database links. She met someone at the Evergreen Conference who is willing to share with us.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:42 pm (PDT).
Next meeting: Monday, June 2, 2014, at 11 am (PDT) – via teleconference.