Cataloging Committee-April 6 2015

Cataloging  Committee  Monday, April 6, 2015 @11am (PDT)

(via Go To Meeting Teleconference)

Attending:  Sarah Samuels –Chair (Hood River Co. LD);  Christina Trunnell (Co-Chair, TVCC);  Beth Longwell (Sage System Administrator); Valeria Gardner, Darlyne Johnson  (Ontario Community);  Molly Hamlin (Plaintree Health Resource Center) ; Dea Nowell (Umatilla Co. SLD );  Anne Zuehlke (HRVHS); Laurie O’Connor (Harney Co.) ;  David Sale  (Sage Cataloging Specialist);  Jenny Simpson (Nyssa Public Library); Perry Stokes, Carmen Wickam (Baker);  John Brockman (Baker)

Recorded: Laurie O’Connor

The meeting was called to order at 11:08 am by Sarah Samuels.

Discussion /Approval March 2015 Cataloging Committee Minutes:  David Sale said the second training not exactly “well underway”, as stated in the minutes; more like a catch-up session for a few. Perry Stokes moved to accept the minutes as presented. Laurie seconded the motion.  None opposed.

Report  From Beth Longwell:

Cataloging logins/permissions are being implemented, with some cat logins requesting circulation permissions as needed. Mose circulation logins do not have cataloging permissions, with a few exceptions as Beth and the libraries work out individual details.

Beth looked for appropriate outside trainings, especially through Book Blitz, but did not see any available for the next few months. Sage system has about $1500 remaining in this year’s budget for cataloging training, as some was previously spent with a few catalogers having taken the ALA course on RDA. Perry and Beth both suggested we should set up regional trainings using David Sale, Sage Cataloging Specialist, to offer 3 or 4 onsite training throughout the region. Funds could be used to pay attendees travel, cover substitute salaries, etc.  Discussion related to which sites, preferably scheduling 2 in May and 2 in June. Beth, David and Perry will work out details.

David Sale:

David is providing some online/webinar trainings for the coming weeks, covering subject and genre headings, original cataloging, shortcuts, imports. He would like feedback and suggestions from catalogers related to what trainings they would benefit from.

About 50% of David’s work is related to cleaning up the database, with projects identified by Beth. He finished Vale’s records, with a few other libraries pending. He asked if the Cataloging Committee wanted more emphasis on database work, as there are several issues needing attention.  Laurie suggested he should continue to work on cataloging practices and monitoring catalogers in order to prevent future cleanup issues. Discussion among CC participants indicated retroactive cleanup should proceed as possible, but helping improve skills and tools system wide should be priority.

David would like to discourage the use of “parts” on periodicals because it is too risky, as it may not track or interface properly. Beth and Perry agreed this may create problems, so it is recommended we not use “parts” on periodicals. Naming of parts remains confusing, so Brent, Beth, Christina will create a report that will provide examples of preferred parts names/styles. Discussion: dates added to parts should follow a uniform style (YYMMDD). Christina will send out a draft proposal to the Sage Cat List. David Sale made a motion that as soon as details are worked out, guidelines will be circulated to Sage catalogers; Perry Stokes seconded motion; no opposition.

David discussed cleaning up our bib 6XX entries, by selecting preferred sources for our records, recommended we discuss removing extra or obsolete SH styles/sources. Discussion; this should be a topic for future CC meeting, with goal of clarification in our cataloging manual.

Beth said they were working to clean up our cataloging manual, converting it to a book format, in order to offer it on the new Sage web page. The WIKI page will no longer be used once the new web page is operational.

CC members agreed to return the committee meetings to every other month, first Mondays of every even numbered months. Next meeting will be June 1, 11 a.m. PST, via GoToMeeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:20.