Cataloging Committee Minutes – April 1, 2019
Attendees: Beth (Sage), John Brockman–Chair (BCLD), Ann Zuehlke (HRVHS), Darlyne Johnson, Joyce McCurdy, Caleria Gardner (OCL), Heather Estrada (BMCC), Heather Spry, Perry Stokes (BCLD), Jenny Simpson (Nyssa), Jon George (Sage), Leeann Baldwin (HPL), Lisa Hauner (OTLD).
Meeting Minutes: John gave a few minutes for people to review the meeting minutes from the last meeting and asked for comments, concerns or questions. He asked for a motion for approval, Anne motioned for approval, Beth seconded. Minutes were approved.
Training recap/reminders:
Series training: The series training video is now up on Sage Library System’s youtube page. (
Web client cataloging training: An upcoming web client cataloging training is going to be scheduled soon and it will be about copy tags/copy notes and some other things. Originally scheduled for April 4th but postponed until a later date. There is a need to keep familiarity with the web client going.
New authority training: Will be presented by John and Heather about how to look up authorities in LOC and existing Sage authorities. This is to help supplement the ongoing series training, it should be useful to know how the authorities work in relation to using them while cataloging series. Scheduled for 4/25/19 @ 1pm. There is an authorities document available on the Sage Library website under Resources. SeriesAuthorityHelp.pdf
Server update Wednesday 4/10 @ 8am (3.1.7 –> 3.1.10) It’s a minor update and should be down for only an hour. There wasn’t a need to download a new staff client, existing staff client worked with the update.
New authorities: Beth sent out a new base file to LTI and got all the files from LTI, so she started bringing the new authorities in to the system and started the process of updating bibs with the authority updates.
Cleaning up duplicates (currently 6k): Beth and Jon Georg are working on deleting duplicates!
Removal of records from libraries no longer on Sage: Remaining Planetree, Wallowa County and EOU records have been removed.
John asked if anyone had questions and gave an opportunity to bring up anything they wanted to talk about. Everything was fine.
Parts reminder: It’s a problem when the parts aren’t correctly or consistently assigned to items in a record. If you are assigning parts to an item in a record, then all the items in the record need parts assigned to them. Also the reverse, if there are existing parts on a record they need to be used on items that are added to the record. When they aren’t consistently applied it creates a problem with hold priority. It’s easier with the update that added the radio buttons but when there is an item that does not have parts, the hold defaults to the parts-less item. Look and see what parts have been assigned to libraries in the record you’re working on.
We, as a group, want terminology to match. There is an established list of parts terminology for the Sage library system that needs to be used. under Resources, bottom left, it’s called Parts Terminology. There were multiple examples given in the meeting video, please review it.
Lisa brought up that she was uncomfortable changing parts for items that did not belong to her library and that she had encountered a situation where she added parts to her libraries item and emailed Laurie to let her know she had not added them to Harney’s items. Beth suggested contacting the mentors to help assign parts to items if this occurs. Lisa asked if this part assigning could be done by Cat 2 catalogers, everyone seemed unsure if Cat 2’s have that ability. If there is confusion or a problem with parts in a record it should be referred to a mentor.
Link to Video Recording ->
Next Cataloging Committee meeting is June 3rd @ 11am PDT.