Sage Library System User Council Meeting minutes
January 16, 2018 at 10am (PST)
(via GoToMeeting)
Present: Kristen Diederich (Southern Wasco Co. Lib.), Delia Fields* (Hermiston School Dist.), Rachel Fox (Hood River Co. Lib. Dist.), Jon Georg (Sage), Dea Nowell* – Vice-Chair (Umatilla Co. Special Lib. Dist.), Denine Rautenstrauch* (Enterprise PL), Beth Ross (Sage), Perry Stokes* (Baker Co. Lib. Dist.), Kathy Street* – Chair (Oregon Trail Lib. Dist.).
* denotes User Council Rep.
The meeting was called to order by Chair Kathy Street at 10:00 am without a quorum present.
[Since there was no quorum present at the beginning of the meeting, we started with committee reports.]
Committee Reports:
Cataloging Committee: Dea Nowell reported that the Cataloging Committee has met once and the Cataloging Mentors has met twice since the last User Council meeting. Some of the topics we’ve been talking about are authorities, series, kits vs. read along or books with CD, quality of records, and CAT1 applications – of which we’ve received about 4. In discussing the application process we’ve realized that we need to first strengthen our CAT2 training. And so we started with a short online cataloging training session with a focus of Z39.50 searching and had about 20 people attend, including some of the mentors. It seems to have been well received and we are planning to do some more of these based on various topics.
Kathy Street asked if any class has been found for CAT1 training? Dea responded that there is not one particular class, no.
Circulation Committee: Beth Ross reported that the Circulation Committee has met once. They talked about some future items and continuing items. Hiding damaged items from patron view was one topic and it has been done in the System. Other topics include transit policy and duplicate patron policy. The next meeting is scheduled for tomorrow.
Personnel Committee: Listed by accident, committee no longer necessary/active.
Courier Committee: Beth Ross reported that she is scheduling a meeting, for hopefully next week, gathering potential dates/time via Doodle Poll. Kathy Street noted that she is still concerned about receiving items without labeling — suspecting boxes beginning sent through courier with numerous items and the IMESD courier hub trying to sort out where things go.
Strategic Planning Committee: Perry Stokes noted he hasn’t called a meeting yet. He stated they will need to talk about what to do with the balance of left over money from Brent’s position. Kathy Street asked about the timeframe for holding the meeting and Perry responded, before the next Council meeting.
Budget Planning:
Beth Ross stated that in the past we’ve had a budget committee that has met and that now would be a good time to get started on this. Perry Stokes and Beth Ross will be coordinating this group. Kathy Street volunteered to be on the committee, as did Delia Fields, via chat. Any others who would like to be on this committee please contact Perry or Beth.
Proposed Bylaw Changes:
Perry Stokes noted that there are no libraries in Sage in the 3,200-7,500 population range. A library district in Wallowa County would be above the 5,000 but well below 15,000 — approximately 4,500-5,000. Denine Rautenstrauch stated it would probably be closer to 6,000 or 7,000. When asked what the current membership cost was for under 5,000 range and the 5,000-15,000 range — Perry responded, $1,611 for under 5,000 and $9,508 for 5,000-15,000 range, the average of the two being $5,560. There was discussion about what the number of the tier in the middle would be something like 4,000-7,500. As a group the Wallowa County libraries currently pay $5,600. Population figures and where those numbers were pulled from was discussed. It was noted that it would be best for consistency sake to use the numbers that the State Library uses as our basis as well. Timeframe for Wallowa County library district formation — Denine responded, it will be on the ballot May 15, 2018 and we should know if it passes by May 16.
Beth Ross noted that typically we have the budget prepared and voted on in March so that the libraries have the numbers for their budgeting purposes. Discussion followed breaking down the pieces: adding an additional membership tier; Council seat distribution, with a possible floating seat; and term length, noting nominations for Council members at annual meeting. It was suggested that we propose a new tier whether or not Wallowa County forms a library district. Discussion regarding what would constitute a quorum at an annual meeting also occurred (30 out of 58 library units). Discussion also followed as to whether this required a membership vote or Council vote. According to the way the Bylaws read, adding a tier would be a Council decision, not a Bylaw change. Consensus of those present at this meeting was to add a tier via email vote of the Council members — Kathy will conduct this.
Bylaw change proposal from last month: we need to pull a written draft of the proposed bylaw change first. It is two-pronged here, making the change to the length of the term would be the first piece and then making an adjustment to the current terms would be the next piece.
The Annual Meeting will be held Friday, June 1st (10am-2pm), with lunch included, in the Hermiston area, if possible. Kathy Street will contact Mark Rose (Hermiston PL Director) to check on availability.
Minutes: [skipped as no quorum]
Meeting adjourned by Chair Kathy Street at 11:00am
The next User Council Meeting will be March 20, 2018 at 10am (PST).
Submitted by Dea Nowell.
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