Sage Council-November 15 2016

Sage Library System

Council Minutes

November 15, 2016

Present: Erin Wells (Chair), Beth Longwell, Brent Mills, Ann Zuehlke, Mark Rose, Linda Stahl, Cheryl Hancock, Dea Nowell, Denine Rautenstrauch, Marsha Richmond, Kathy Street (Vice-chair), Maggie Pando, Mary Reser, Perry Stokes, Rachael Fox, Rose Peacock, Robin Jeffrey, Delia Wallis

Minutes: September 2016 council minutes approved as written.

Video Recording is available.

Systems Update (Brent)

  • Server upgrade took place on November 6
  • Evergreen upgrade to 2.11.1 is tentatively scheduled for December 4
  • Changes on – Bestseller list now up. Pictures of Sage libraries are on a slider on the main page. Libraries can send pictures to Brent.
  • Chatroom available on Wednesday and Saturday
  • 270 help tickets closed
  • OPAC revisions planned – increase in font size, improving mobile experience, and layout of catalog screens
  • Performance enhancements – page rendering speeds targeted
  • Holds training is complete, local systems admin training is almost complete
  • Harney schools (Hines Middle School and Slater Elementary) added to Sage
  • System updates are posted each Saturday

Committee Reports

Cataloging Committee – Dea reported that discussion took place on series statements. They also began talking about cat1 requirements. The committee will meet every other month, with the cataloging mentors meeting every month. The mentors will start discussions on key issues and help drive the work of the committee. It is hoped that this will bring more focus to the group.

Circulation Committee – Brent reported that the next meeting will be on the 22nd. Discussion took place on how holds are handled. If libraries are going to be closed during the holiday they should create closed dates in the Evergreen software. Brent is willing to help any libraries with this.

Courier Committee – Beth sent out the draft of a courier procedure document that the committee has been working on. They are asking for feedback on the document.

Governance Committee –  the committee has not met

Financial report is posted on the web site. Most members have paid. Most of the LSTA courier grant funds have been received as well.

Old Business

Strategic Plan – the committee met. In the first meeting they went over the former strategic plan, reviewing the aims and assessing what had been accomplished and what still needs to be done

Lost in Transit Policy – still being worked on by the circulation committee. The core content is still valid but additional verbiage needs to be added for clarity.

New Business

Approval of Mark Rose (Hermiston) and Robin Jeffrey (Klamath Community College) for Sage User Council – Motion made by Ann, seconded by Perry and all voted in favor

Agenda items for next meeting:  None given.

Next meeting: January 17, 2017